No WU's available

Everything about the project RNA World
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 25.09.2024 14:03

No WU's available

#1 Ungelesener Beitrag von Ncard00 » 01.01.2025 17:53

There are no work units available on the server status page, when will WU's become available again?

Michael H.W. Weber
Beiträge: 22639
Registriert: 07.01.2002 01:00
Wohnort: Marpurk

Re: No WU's available

#2 Ungelesener Beitrag von Michael H.W. Weber » 02.01.2025 12:04

Ncard00 hat geschrieben:
01.01.2025 17:53
There are no work units available on the server status page, when will WU's become available again?
RNA World is currently paused. We will notify people via the project's website once new work will become available again.

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Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 25.09.2024 14:03

Re: No WU's available

#3 Ungelesener Beitrag von Ncard00 » 02.01.2025 17:37

Thanks for the answer, I'll be awaiting when the project is resumed.

Beiträge: 77
Registriert: 23.10.2010 19:38
Wohnort: Poissy/France

Re: No WU's available

#4 Ungelesener Beitrag von JeromeC » 10.01.2025 15:40

Prepare yourself for a long wait :)

Happy new year to all !

Michael H.W. Weber
Beiträge: 22639
Registriert: 07.01.2002 01:00
Wohnort: Marpurk

Re: No WU's available

#5 Ungelesener Beitrag von Michael H.W. Weber » 11.01.2025 12:15

JeromeC hat geschrieben:
10.01.2025 15:40
Prepare yourself for a long wait :)
Maybe two remarks in this context:

1. RNA World is up and running, fully functional: Since its early days and unike any other public distributed computing project, the community-driven RNA World project provides a fully functional job submision interface (termed "private quere" on your accont page) which allows continuous use of our infrastructure for RNA-related research as a bioinformatic web server replacement.
This means, anybody with sufficient knowledge on how to work with INFERNAL as a bioinformatics tool can submit jobs and will receive the results on his/her personal webpage interface - free of any costs to the user, of course.
RNA World therefore serves as kind of a distributed computing & BOINC-based replacement of the standard bioinformatics web server approach.
Isn't that cool?

2. This is a DC community driven project. AF team members are also warmly welcome to help us move this project further.
Regarding our team's own high throughput computing ambitions, i.e. massive deployment of new jobs, it is yet unclear as to when this will happen. We still lack man power to engage on this and, importantly, we still need to build a proper results database to archive the project's output in a publically available & searchable form.
However, there will be a winter barbecue meeting on the 25th of January in Dresden where I plan to again try to find other distributed computing enthusiasts to help us with the required developments plus engage on novel AI applications useful for life science.
Not sure, of course, what will be the outcome as all our ambitions are still unpaind private spare time activities.

That's all I can tell you at this point.

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