ECM P2: limit number of work units per pc

Fehler und Wünsche zum Projekt yoyo@home
Bugs and wishes for the project yoyo@home
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Registriert: 09.12.2018 23:43

Re: ECM P2: limit number of work units per pc

#13 Ungelesener Beitrag von magiceye04 » 17.05.2023 21:02

yoyo hat geschrieben:
17.05.2023 19:30
In this case raise your concern to the BOINC client. Yes ecm starts with low RAM usage and much more later. The wu is assigned an RAM requirement of 3 GB. The rest is handled by BOINC client.
I think in other projects the stated maximum RAM usage is always the same - but in reality it can be less.
Yoyo states only 5MB but later uses much more.
Why is it not possible to have a fix maximum RAM usage statement for the WU?

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Registriert: 17.12.2002 14:09
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: ECM P2: limit number of work units per pc

#14 Ungelesener Beitrag von yoyo » 17.05.2023 21:06

IT is fixed! The wu has a fixed max RAM requirement of 3GB. It is fixed assigned to the wu and doesn't change during runtime. There is no way to change the RAM requirement during runtime for a wu. The requirement is fix set in the Boinc DB and considered by scheduler and BOINC client.
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Registriert: 17.12.2002 14:09
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: ECM P2: limit number of work units per pc

#15 Ungelesener Beitrag von yoyo » 17.05.2023 21:19

Search the workunit in client_state.xml and see rsc_memory_bound. This is the max memory requirement for the wu.
HILF mit im Rechenkraft-WiKi, dies gibts zu tun.
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Re: ECM P2: limit number of work units per pc

#16 Ungelesener Beitrag von JohnMD » 31.07.2023 15:47

Drago75 hat geschrieben:
02.08.2022 14:35
Since the ECM P2 need a ridiculous amount of RAM it would be a nice feature if the number of wus a host receives at once could be limited in the preferences section.
The number of tasks downloaded and the number of tasks concurrently allowed have nothing to do with each other.
The former is primarily controlled by the overall buffers you have specified.
The latter is controlled by an "app_config.xml" file in the specific project folder under (C:)/ProgramData/BOINC/projects. On this little laptop (too small for ecm P2) I have such a file for Yoyo -
<cmdline>-t 2</cmdline>
<cmdline>-t 1</cmdline>
<cmdline>-t 1</cmdline>

I can't risk 2 3 GB tasks concurrently, so ecm is limited to just 1 at a time.
Hope you can use this on your PC (the last 2 parameters per app are for multitasking).
BOINC Berkeley has documentation for app_config.xml parameters.
Good luck.


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